Later, Dan offered to take her out to supper but she opted for a quiet meal at home. Good thing
because not long after, her friend Brenda called and wanted to drop off a gift so we asked her to join us for supper. Soon after Brenda left, Susie and Morgan showed up, along with Susie's mom
(Hannah's second mom), and brought her a delicious birthday cake they had made. Yummy!
Thanks gals!
It was a wonderful day full of many surprises. But the biggest surprise to me was when Dan let Hannah drive to the airport that night at 10:30pm. It was dark and raining but off they went. Kind of a scary drive for the first day of a permit. They were going to welcome back some folks from our church who were returning from a missions trip. I opted out of that one! Of course it was because it was past my bed time, NOT because I had any qualms about the drive.
Hannah, Thanks for sharing your 14th birthday with your family and friends. Knowing you has brought joy unspeakable into all of our lives. You are beautiful and I love you. Mom
P.S. Drive Safely! :)