Sunday, December 28, 2008

For You Jessica

"Gratitude" by Nichole Nordeman

Send some rain, would You send some rain?
'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again
And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?
Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down
Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid
But maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case....

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for You
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If You never send us rain

Daily bread, give us daily bread
Bless our bodies, keep our children fed
Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
Wrap us up
And warm us through
tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time
Or maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case....

We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
A lesson learned to hunger after You
That a starry sky offers a better view if no roof is overhead
And if we never taste that bread

Oh, the differences that often are between
Everything we want and what we really need

So grant us peace, Jesus grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case....

We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if you never grant us peace

But Jesus, would You please........

Oh Jesus, would You please.........

Dear Jessica,
I am praying for you with all of my heart. I am begging God to please heal you. I am asking Jesus that it would bring Him great pleasure to leave you here with all of us who love you for a longer time. I have sang and listened to this song over and over and over again the past three days...knowing that I will be grateful with however He answers everyone's prayers for you but for now the last line of the song is my favorite, But Jesus, would You please......Jesus would you please heal Jessica. Your smile travels with me these days and I can't wait to ask you if you still dot your i's with a heart. Wake up soon so I can know. I wore my Joy Story 3 t-shirt today with your 3rd grade signature on the back. I think I am going to wear it everyday for awhile. I have a picture of you on my refrigerator with your beautiful horse. Love the Santa hat! Sweet dreams Jessica and may the peace of God be upon you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To The Cross

TO THE CROSS..babbie mason/julie adams

A place inside my spirit beckons from a hill.
Sometimes I choose to visit, sometimes against my will.
I take the long and sloping road as though I hear some rooster crow.
And, driven by a prayer, I go to the cross.

Whenever I resist it I am not at rest.
It hovers there inviting me to be a humble guest.
I need it daily, this I know.
So, with my selfish tears in tow, and with my fighting fears, I go to the cross.

And there I lay them down for the Savior's love.
Because He gave His flawless life, I take it up.

And so I will determine this cross to be my friend.
And I will bear it in my heart until my pride is dead.
Part of me will tell it "no," but Christ was there before me.
So, I'll follow faithfully and go to the cross.
I'll follow faithfully and go to the cross.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wanna Dance?

That is a poem that Dan and Hannah wrote together about five years ago! It was so true. They would dance away in the kitchen while Jordan, Bethany and I would just stand there and watch them. They are crazy. Well, not much has changed. Last night it was quite intense as Hannah taught Dan some of her latest show choir dance moves. First the feet... then add the hands and put it all together. They are hilarious.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

From Dust to Dust

Help Me! I am living in a dust bowl. As I vacuum up the dust from the mess that I am making my shop vac blows the dust out of the back. What is it with these vacuum cleaners. They do not always do the trick. Although, I am thrilled with my drill and my sander.

The Day I Lay My Isaac Down

The Day I Lay My Isaac Down...scott krippayne

I have a prayer as pure as gold
That where You lead me I will go
And I'll embrace the holy plea
Each time Your Spirit calls to me

And in that hour, and in that time
When I must lose my will in Thine
My true devotion will be found
The day I lay my Isaac down

Each sacrifice You call me to
I'll die to self, I'll live for You
Take up the cross forsake the crown
The day I lay my Isaac down

Your Lamb of Love Thy blessed friend
Nailed to the alter for each sin
There in my place Your Son was bound
The day You laid Your Isaac down

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Jordan and Bethany had a fun day on Saturday playing three games of softball in the Make-A-Wish Tournament at Noelridge Park. They were playing specifically for two sweet kids, Madison and Tim, who live in the Cedar Rapids area. Looks like they will have thier wish to go to Disney Land come true. Of course my wish for them is that they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and that they and thier families will trust Him with their precious lives.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Experiencing God Together

Doing a study entitled "Experiencing God" with

Allyson, Emily, Haley and Bethany(pictured above

from left to right) has been the highlight of my summer.

These young ladies are on fire for God and have so

much depth and insight! If you haven't done this

study I would highly recommend it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

"Experiencing God"

This summer I have been blessed to be meeting with four awesome young women doing a study called "Experiencing God." I pray they are enjoying God as much as I am. I am learning so much from them. Bethany, my daughter, is going to be a sophomore at Central College in the fall. Haley, Allyson, and Emily are all going to be freshmen in college; at Huntington University, St. Ambrose, and UNI respectively. These girls are deep and have so much Christian experience in their 18-19 year old lives. I gave my life to Christ when I was 18 so I was just beginning then. I am so grateful.....they have amazing benefits that I lacked. I pray that they ponder and understand how very blessed they are. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits...Psalm 103:2.

Every unit gives us a lot to discuss and unit three was no exception. On top of all the discussion these girls don't let me get away without applying what we are talking about to my life. Two of the questions in unit three were as follows:
1) A. How do you know God loves you? B. Give evidence that convinces you of His love for you.
2) Briefly describe an experience in your life when God was real, personal, and practical in His relationship with you.

Well, it only took a minute and my margins were full. I am a get out there and experience life person so it makes sense that after walking with God for 30 years(on Sept. 15, 2008) I can think of endless ways that God has shown He loves me and desires to show Himself to me. My first thought after reading question 1A was quick to come. "He has delivered me....not only from sin unto salvation but He has delivered me in many ways... over and over and over again."
I started making a list in the margin.
1-from life with my biological parents(i was adopted as an infant and have 3 half sisters..there
are three fathers between the four of us)
2-from death when I was choking on coins as a toddler
3-from inappropriate sex and mental illness( my biological grandmother, my mother and
all 3 of my half sisters are mentally ill and all were pregnant and unmarried) Ya I know..I
can't say that I have NO mental problems but I am pretty well off compared to the history.
4-from alcohol and drugs( i grew up with an alcoholic dad and a drug doing town)
5-from hell-when he saved me in 1978
6-from death-near drowning in March 1980
7-from my greatest fears of never being loved, married or having children
8-death-near miss with a train in April 1993(my heart still starts pounding when i think of this
9-painful loss-the near death of my son during surgery in 2004

In all of the events above I felt God's awesome love, protection and care. All of the same things were memorable experiences where God was real, personal and practical. Good or bad...I experience God daily. On occasion, He reveals Himself powerfully but usually, it's quietly and gently. If one didn't know Him...they would not hear. Sometimes, I don't hear because I am not listening. And ya know....I'm not sure if that is precicely true because I think on the times when I say that I don't hear I actually do....I just choose to ignore. God is that real to me. He is in all and through all.(Colossians 1). God is always at work around me and He is always real, always personal and always practical.

As we strive to apply these teaching to our lives my application for this week was to journal about His goodness. After answering these questions last week I was so encouraged in my relationship with God. Pondering the specific ways that He loves me and shows Himself real has been powerful, motivating me to know Him more. Another question in unit 3 was, "If you were standing before God, could you describe your relationsip with Him by saying, "I love You with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind and all my strength"? ____yes ____no
Do I love God with my ALL? I would be lying if I said yes. This is actually one of my three life verses so I don't take it lightly. But I can say that I love Him more everyday. Journaling, blogging, and pondering the benefits that God has lavished upon me is a great motivator in loving and experiencing God.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You Are Winter

When I went to bed last night I was already excited to wake up this morning because I sensed that I was going to have a special meeting with God today. And was it ever! I was out for a run in the snow, a combination that can't go wrong because I love both. My ipod was set at ramdom. HA! The songs popped up ramdomly but God in His supremacy was in complete control. Nicole Nordeman's song, "Every Season" came on. Oh to be a songwriter that can articulate the culmination of thoughts, feelings and emotions that many of us can't come up with on our own. Following is a verse in the song...the verse about winter.

And everything in time and under Heaven finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white all creation shivers underneath
And still I notice You when branches crack and in my breath on frosted glass.
Even now in death You open doors for Life to enter
You are winter

So, I am running along, listening to this song and suddenly I was overwhelmed with God's presense. It was literally heavy, pressing into me, and yet I was feeling stronger. As I listened to the lyrics of the song I realized that I'd forgotton how much I had once loved winter. But that was a very small thing in comparisson to what else was going on. I was gaining strength from every step that I took and I was also gaining God as He filled me with Himself with every breath that I breathed. I was so overwhelmed. But why? I silently wondered, "what are You showing me?"... as though there was going to be some specific message. Right then, I realized that He was showing me Himself. There was no profound message. God was showing me Himself. (I have experienced this kind of God revealing Himself to me two times before (one of those times is in the first blog I ever wrote entitled Robin's testimony). I was overwhelmed with His love, His power, His control, His supremacy, His glory, His presence. In every verse of the song as Nicole sings of the four seasons the line that I so connect with is "and still I notice You." When the world walks around oblivious to thier surroundings, complaining about everything, including the snow, the ice and the cold she sang, and still I notice You. And everytime she sings that phrase my heart cries, Yes! Yes! Yes! I notice You God. And I want to cry out to whoever may be near, "Do you see that? Do you see God? Do you notice God right there? I wonder if Mosas may have felt anything like me as he stood in the presence of God. Did he feel God pressing in on him? I know one thing, I was certainly glad that He didn't ask me to take off my shoes.
As I got closer to home I was running out of breath but it wasn't becasuse of the cold or because I was running so fast. I was so full of God and His Spirit that I couldn't breathe any longer. It was like, there was no more room inside of me. I nearly collapsed as I stumbled in the door. The weight of His presence was the best of all heavies. I was so awe struck. I wonder, as Jesus carried that cross, was part of His joy the weight of God's presence in that cross? Tears were pouring down my face and I didn't want them to stop. I wanted to lay face down and cry forever but I didn't know if I would ever be able to get back up. All I could think was "You are...O my God...You are."
You are summer, fall, winter and spring! You are. O my God...You are.
Father God, Abba, Daddy, You are the great I am. And I know that I am only because You are.
Thank you for choosing me ....I don't understand. Continue to surround me with Your presence. I want to share in the weight of your suffering that I may also share in the joy. Oh my God, it is my prayer that I never fail to notice YOU. Give me boldness to share You with others. When my heart cries out, may my voice follow! Amen.