Today, after thinking about what to say about our 2006 family Thanksgiving, I realized that sometime in the last few years my favorite holiday has become Thanksgiving.
Our son, Jordan, loves Thanksgiving. The idea of the 3 F's (family, food, and football) is one of his favorites and going to his Grandma Vivian's there were always all 3, each in abundance. And even better then watching football on Grandma's big screen, there were several "real" games of football outside with his dad, sisters, cousin Nicholas and whatever neighbors joined in. For Jordan, each game was as big as the Superbowl itself. One of my biggest joys as a mom is watching my kids having fun with their dad and family.
Another contributing factor to my love for Thanksgiving also involves our son Jordan. Only 3 years ago, just before Thanksgiving, we came very close to losing Jordan during surgery in Iowa City, at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Thanks be to God and the best doctors and nurses in the country we were given more time to enjoy our son on this earth. Definitely a Thanksgiving story of it's own.
Last and most importantly, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday celebration because the longer I live and experience God the more I realize I have to be thankful for. The first time I sang at New Covenant Bible Church it was Thanksgiving time, around 1989. I sang a song by Petra called Thankful Heart.
If you know me, you know that I don't sing songs that I don't mean. I had a thankful heart.
Lots of water has passed under the bridge since then and God has been so awesome. He has given me more then I could have ever asked or imagined. At the time, if someone would have told me there was more, I would have said, "that's not possible. My heart is full." All I can say now is that somehow, over the years, my heart must have grown a few sizes and it is still full. God is so good and I praise Him. By His grace I will forever sing, I have a thankful heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Thankful Heart"
* I have a thankful heart
That you have given me
And it can only come from You
There is no way to begin
To tell You how I feel
There are no words to express
How You've become so real
Jesus You've given me
So much I can't repay
I have no offering *
There is no way to begin
To tell You how I feel
There's nothing more I can say
And no way to repay
Your loving touch
That melts my heart of stone
Your steadfast love
I'll never be alone *
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