Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another First for the Koskamp Family

It seems like these days are full of either the first time we are experiencing something or the last. In another month Bethany will be experiencing her last track meet. Today Hannah experienced her first. The meet started at 4pm and was a dual between the Harding & McKinley Middle Schools. Hannah runs for the Harding Chargers. Track meets have been especially fun over the years because our kids are part of a large church youth group and have friends from youth group in so many schools in our city. Hannah has three of these friends on her team. Her first race of the day was the 4x800 and she had one of her best friends handing her the baton.

Brenda ran the first leg of the 4x800
and here she is leading the pack with
about 50 meters to go before she hands
off to .......

.....Hannah. Hannah is 2nd from the right,
waiting her turn to run the 2nd leg of the

A few short minutes later, there are about
75 meters to run before Hannah hands
off the baton. You can see her three youth
group friends on the grass cheering her
on...thanks Stephanie, Natalie, and
Brenda! You're the best.

Hallelujah! What a feeling. Her first
race is over! She did it.

Hannah's next race was the open 400. She finished the last 50 meters strong. Later, she ran her 3rd and final race of the evening, the 4x 400 meter relay. She ran the last leg in that relay. Her friends Brenda and Natalie ran in that relay too. This was a co-ed meet and Hannah's friend's Jed and Dominic ran for Harding and McKinley, respectively. Both boys are great runners. I really enjoy watching all these kids. Most, I have known since birth.

Did you know that running isn't the only thing that takes place at these track meets? There is lots of fellowship as parents chat on the sidelines.

My friend Lexi and I played that I was the Dr. and she had a terrible brain injury. I did surgery and wrapped her head tightly in an ace bandage and she sat in her chair to recover. She got a few concerned looks.

Lexi's dad, Pastor Mark, must have had a busy day. He took a little nap while his daughter Brenda wasn't running or throwing the discus. Here are just a few shots of that nap.

As you can see, Lexi had a miraculous recovery! Less then an hour after brain surgery she was jumping rope with her mom Cindy and her Aunt Janna twirling for her. It was amazing.

Even Cindy got in on the action.
Here she is, jumping in her stocking feet. Cindy, haven't you told Lexi not to play outdoors in just her socks? We caught you!
Before the evening was over there were a number of little girls wanting a turn to play jump
rope. Isn't that sweet?

To top the evening off, Brenda and Hannah thought it would be great to go out to Sonic to celebrate the season's first track meet. So the Forstroms, Janna Hoobler, and the Koskamps went to Sonic together. Sorry, no picture of that. I took one to many pics of Pastor Mark's nap. I will try to get that one next year at our 2nd annual season's first track meet celebration....if the Lord wills.

1 comment:

koskamper2 said...