Monday, April 09, 2007


Earlier this evening my husband, Dan, came home from a class he is taking at church called "Perspectives." Tonight's speaker is a missionary to the country of Jordan. As Dan was sharing some of the stories that the he told I liked one of the quotes that I heard. Hopefully if I get on the Internet to hear this man speak I will get the quote as he says it but following is how I remember it as told by Dan.
It takes faith to believe the things that God tells us.
It takes no faith to believe the things that the enemy tells us.
It seems like the theme of my life so far in 2007 has had to do with things of faith and trusting God. I'd like to think that I trust God completely but when I examine my thoughts and behaviors I sometimes hear the words of Jesus ringing true in my mind, "Where is your faith?" from Luke 8:25. Those words hurt. I'd so much rather hear, "Daughter, be of good comfort, thy faith has made thee whole," from Luke 8:48.....or would I? selah Ya know what? Both are good!
I want to be a pleasing who puts her faith in Jesus alone. But being human there are times when I will fail. And oh, how I need Him to speak to me then. "Where is your faith.?" Were it not for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who would so constantly remind that somewhere along the line my faith shifted from Jesus back to myself? Only He knows my thoughts. Only He knows my heart. Only He knows my deep floundering. Only He can remind me and draw me back to Himself. Both are good! And to believe that it takes faith. And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke 17:5
Lord Jesus, I believe! Help my unbelief. May I say, like the apostles of old, increase my faith.

1 comment:

The Stutts Family said...

Oh yes Jesus, draw my back, pull me by the arm, drag me. I want to come home. Faith is home. Thanks R!