Saturday, December 23, 2006

"On Bended Knee"

Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King

How often do I sing songs with beautiful lyrics of love and adoration and then walk away unchanged? It’s not that I don’t mean it. I just don’t take the time to ponder.
After the church children’s program and parties were over I came across a family who couldn't find their 5-year-old son, Sean. It was after 9:15 and most of the church was empty. I had seen Sean just minutes earlier, he couldn’t be far. Sean’s mommy, at home with newborn baby sister, left Daddy Mike, brother Dylan and sister Nicole searching for him. Naturally, I joined the search, as did eight others before it was all over. We looked everywhere inside and out. Sean’s coat was still inside but Mike asked Dylan to check to make sure that Sean hadn’t decided to go out to the car and wait. Most of the church doors were locked by now so I told Mike I would follow Dylan to the door and wait to let him back in. Dylan was quite concerned by now as he ran out to the vehicle to check for Sean. I could see him in the distance opening each door to the vehicle. I could hear him as he called again and again for Sean. There appeared to be no sign of Sean as Dylan lifted his arms in frustration and placed his hands on his head. As he ran back toward the church I could see the distress on his face and I was touched to see the sweetness of one sibling concerned for another. But what happened next was something I didn’t expect. One minute Dylan was running toward me and the next minute he was down on the concrete, leaning forward on his knees. Ouch! When he didn’t get up right away I asked him, “Dylan are you OK?” He didn’t answer so again I asked, "Dylan did you get hurt?” As Dylan looked up, his 11-year-old hands were clasped together and he had a look on his face I couldn’t exactly read. “I’m praying” was his gentle reply. I was somewhat ashamed at my surprise, but mostly awestruck and deeply moved. I mean, I had been praying too, but not like that. I wonder if that was how Mary felt when Jesus said, “Did you not know that I had to be in MY Father’s house? (Luke 2:49)
Well, we did find Sean. He was in the restroom, but not the one you would think he’d have chosen given his family was at the opposite end of the church. Furthermore, he was having a problem that was never disclosed to me. The poor little guy was waiting there in hopes of his daddy or brother coming to his rescue. He was probably as distressed waiting as we were looking.
The faith of a child…it’s a beautiful thing. So today, whether we are adoring Christ or pleading with Him, let’s all be like Dylan. Let’s fall down on bended knee and cry to Jesus- our rock and our redeemer.

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